A group of Two men sitting on a bench and discussing Does Pickleball Burn Calories

In this article, we will discover that pickleball burns calories, and in this comprehensive guide, we will examine its strategies, approaches, and health advantages to see its benefits. Discover how pickleball can help you lose those excess pounds and enhance your general well-being by diving into the sport.

Does Pickleball Burn Calories?

Pickleball is far more than a simple backyard pastime! This terrific full-body exercise will raise your heart rate and help you lose weight.

When pickleball, a person of 150 pounds burns 484 calories in an hour, and a 200-pound person can burn nearly 620 calories in an hour of gameplay.

Your step count can be between 5000 to 7000 in an hour, depending upon the intensity of the game.

Most pickleball players use Apple Watches to track the calories they burn during the game.


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does pickleball burn calories

Can you lose weight through pickleball?

Pickleball is a fantastic way to lose weight because you need to burn more calories than you take in through food.

A carbolic deficit of about 3500 calories is required to burn one pound. This is effect by your age, gender, and activity level.

You need to know your basal metabolic rate BMR to know how many calories you burn daily. Your body should burn equal calories throughout the day.

An average person probably needs 2000 calories to burn, which depends on age, gender, and activity level.

how much calories burn in a pickleball game

Harris benedict equation is used to estimate the resting metabolic rate.

For men:66.47 + (6.24 × weight in pounds) + (12.7 × height in inches) − (6.75 × age in years).

For women:65.51+(4.35 x weight in pounds)+ (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years).

Techniques for Maximum Caloric Burn

Pickleball is so much more than a simple backyard activity! This sport is an ideal way to reach your weight loss objectives, as it offers a full-body workout that will get you burning calories.

Combining elements from tennis, badminton, and ping pong, the dynamic of this hybrid game will surely test your agility and response speed.

Before playing pickleball, spend some time stretching and warming up your muscles. By doing this, you reduce your risk of injury and prepare your body for the physical demands of the sport.

Mastering the Dink Shot

The dink shot is a low, soft shot that requires finesse and control. Incorporating dink shots into your gameplay allows you to engage in longer rallies that challenge your opponents and keep the calorie burn going.

Engage in Volleys and Groundstrokes

Volleying and executing powerful groundstrokes are fundamental techniques in pickleball. These movements engage your upper body muscles and increase the intensity of your workout.

Footwork and Agility

Quick footwork and agility are crucial in pickleball, allowing you to cover the court efficiently and maintain a high activity level. Practice drills focusing on footwork to improve your speed and agility, leading to a more effective calorie burn.


Pickleball is a thrilling and engaging sport and an effective way to burn calories and improve overall fitness. By incorporating cardiovascular exercise and strength training into gameplay, pickleball offers a well-rounded fitness experience. 

Remember, the calories burned will vary depending on various factors, but the enjoyment and health benefits are undeniable.

Is pickleball suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Pickleball is the perfect sport for beginners since it is accessible to players of all ability levels. Pickleball allows newbies to ease into the game and gradually improve their skills while burning calories, thanks to its smaller court size and slower speed than tennis.

 How many calories can I burn playing pickleball?

Weight, intensity of play, and duration of a pickleball session are some variables that affect how many calories are expended. A person weighing about 160 pounds can burn between 300 and 500 calories an hour playing pickleball.

Can pickleball help with weight loss?

Absolutely! Regular pickleball participation, a balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle can contribute to weight loss. The sport’s combination of cardiovascular exercise and muscle engagement makes it an effective tool for shedding unwanted pounds and improving overall fitness.

 Is pickleball a good workout for seniors?

Due to the sport’s low-impact attributes, smaller court size, and slower tempo, older individuals can engage in it. Due to its benefits for cardiovascular health, balance, coordination, and general fitness, pickleball is a fantastic activity for seniors looking to stay active and burn calories.

 Can pickleball help tone my muscles?

Absolutely! Pickleball engages multiple muscle groups, toning your arms, shoulders, upper back, core, and lower body. Regular play strengthens and tones these areas, contributing to a more defined physique.

How many times a week should I play pickleball?

It would help if you planned to play pickleball three to four days a week; this plan will give you the time to recover and stay fit.