Low Back Pain in Pickleball: Prevention and Solutions

As with any sport, injuries can occur in pickleball, and low back pain is no exception. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, you may experience discomfort in your lower back while playing. This is a common issue; we’re here to explain why it happens and provide tips on preventing it. Our goal is to keep you active and enjoying the game, so if you’re experiencing aches and pains, let us guide you or assist you in person.

Why Movements In Pickleball Lead to Low Back Pain?

While pickleball may not be as fast-paced as other sports, it still places unique demands on the body. To play effectively, the spine must maintain an active posture, twist and rotate quickly, and remain stable to generate force. This requires a significant amount of physical exertion, often underestimated by players. Moreover, the volume of play can also contribute to the risk of injury. If the duration or frequency of play exceeds your body’s capacity, you’re more likely to experience low back pain and other injuries.

Build Tolerance To Prevent Back Pain

When starting out with pickleball, it’s essential to gradually build up your endurance to prevent low back pain and other injuries. Here’s a simple yet effective approach:

  • Start with shorter sessions: Limit your initial playing time to 1-2 hours and repeat this duration for a few sessions.
  • Monitor your body’s response: Pay attention to how your low back and overall body feel after each session.
  • Progress gradually: As your body adapts, you can increase your playing time to 3-4 hours.

Additionally, a dynamic warm-up is crucial to prepare your muscles and brain for the physical demands of pickleball. Include exercises that involve:

  • Slow and controlled twisting
  • Slow and controlled bending
  • Quicker variations of these movements

By progressing gradually and warming up effectively, you’ll increase your court time endurance and reduce the risk of injury. Remember, it’s better to err on the side of caution and prioritize your body’s well-being.

Best Pickleball Exercises For Low Back Pain

To start addressing core strength and lower back mobility, consider incorporating these exercises into your routine:

  1. Core Exercises:
  • Supermans and Swimmers: These target your posterior chain. Begin with three rounds of 20-second efforts. If you can’t reach the full-time, start with what you can and gradually increase week by week.
  • Planks and Side Planks: These focus on the front side of your core, essential for stabilizing and generating power. Follow the same rep scheme as the Supermans.
  • Russian Twists: Use a light to medium dumbbell and complete three rounds of 20 reps. This exercise helps with rotational strength.
  1. Mobility Exercises:
  • Press-Ups: Perform three rounds of 10 repetitions to improve lower back mobility.
  • Thoracic Spine Rotations: While on your hands and knees, do two sets of 10 rotations per side to enhance thoracic spine flexibility.

Struggling With Pickleball And Low Back Pain?

If you’re just starting out, incorporating these tips into your routine should help you stay comfortable and improve your game. For those who have been playing for a while, these exercises are still valuable—they can help enhance strength and performance.